ARTICLE: I've Made Mistakes

I love this article and just wanted to share.

"I've Made Mistakes"

I admit it. I've made lost of mistakes in my business. I'm proud of those mistakes. Well, more specifically, I'm proud of how I learned from them. And I intend to continue to do so.
I even applaud my daughter when she makes mistakes and have told her that making them is a good thing. We learn from them. We grow from them. We learn what works and what doesn't work. And we discover how to do it better the next time. I encourage her to welcome mistakes as a learning tool, not as a sign of failure.

To me, failure is "not learning."

Often I feel I am paddling uphill as the school system sees mistakes as "bad" but I am encouraged as I watch her practice karate and get a certain move wrong again and again. She doesn't let up until she masters it. It humbles me. Making a mistake doesn't scare her as it did me as a child. I would have much preferred to "sit it out" than to risk looking wrong.

It took me years to overcome that and now, well...

One of the very best bits of advice I received when I first launched my business was to "fail fast."

On the surface that almost seems ludicrous but deep down I knew that it was permission to take calculated risks, see what happens, and then risk again. To step out there in the land of possible embarassment and controversy and just mix it up. To try something the small-minded would categorize as silly, pointless, foolish, or downright dumb.

If you intend to be super-successful in your business, you must make mistakes and you must allow yourself to fail. Over and over again.

Too many of us are waiting for permission or confirmation fromour friends, our husbands, our neighbors, our parents,our church, our kids.

Well guess what. No one is coming to save you. The cavalry is not coming over the hill and Prince Charming is not about to knock on the door. You're not going to win the lottery and no one is going to die and leave you a million dollars.

It's all up to you.

And the only way to test your wings is to fly. Make mistakes. Make big mistakes. Make enormous, visible, splashy, audacious, sliding-into-homeplate-on-your-knees mistakes.

If you're not failing fast, you're not doing much of anything, are you?

Sure it's safe and comfortable and no one is laughing at you. But you're still not where you want to be. So apparently playing it safe isn't really working for you. Time to do something radical.

Be different.Go against the crowd.Risk looking foolish.Step out in faith.Take the road less traveled.

And that alone will make all the difference in the world.

Now go have a POWERFUL day!Warm regards,Ann Vertel Taking You to the Top!


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