
Showing posts from 2009

Fontana ACORN activist steps up fight - Topix

Crackhead editing strikes again, "ACORN in Fontana"

Have the Media 'Falsely Framed' ACORN?

ACORN to speak at Fontana council meeting - Topix

It is hate, because it is not love.

FOX News Isn't News. It's a Political Operation.

we can all get along... =)

I came, I spoke, I rambled, I rocked

2009 International Day Of Peace Palm Springs

The ACORN I Know |

ACORN Fake Prostitution Scandal Hits San Bernardino

We can be inspired... but we can't be fooled.

Book Review: The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule by Thomas Frank

The Great Nationwide Kiss-In

I concur.

Astroturf defined --- net neutrality

Great Nationwide Kiss-In

Rep. Joe Baca Weasels on the Public Option

The proposal??

THE SHIFT Movie Trailer

Did you vote for this guy?

We want the public option

health care... it's on everyone's mind

The Meaning of Your Calendar

how you spend your money and your time

Orwell was only the beginning...

Arrests on Capitol Hill over Single Payer Health Care Issue

I've been busy...