
Showing posts from 2006

That's OK... I wasn't using my civil liberties anyway.

GlobalOrgasm Blog

Councilmember Marchand's Cathedral City Blog

I dig this woman!!

Wish I was here...

things change things stay the same

The Stakes ARE High!

HELP AMERICA VOTE...ON PAPER - a citizen call for election integrity

Not your soldier...

I've accepted the TAKE SIX challenge!

Social Justice Coalition

Don't have time to vote on Nov 7?

A Visit to the Capitol - original video by me

Lincoln Weeps by Bill Moyers

Justice for Gwen Araujo

something you said...

On taking action

Add this to things that freak me out

words of peace

Laying of hands

In Action

This is the last one... but it was too great to ignore

are you really supposed to do these all at once?

This may be why on the phone, no one can tell where I'm from

this is more interesting than the gender of my brain

the gender of my brain

NEIL YOUNG - Living With War

Megumi's Peace

mother's day of peace

If... I believe

Once Upon a Time...: On Responsibility: The Comedy Continues

ARTICLE: I've Made Mistakes

AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth