Crackhead editing strikes again, "ACORN in Fontana"

Apparently this guy doesn't like what I had to say... and some of the viewers don't understand poetry. For context, let me explain that part of my introduction of being a "blend" was from a poem I shared at one of my grandfather's eulogy in January 2008 (I say one, because the both of them died within days of each other).

Additionally, if you go to the blog where this video was posted ( then you will also understand that the context of why I was there which had nothing to do with the checkpoints. I was there because two people who don't live in Fontana spoke before my city council and said that the 287(g) program was great and even though it's not within the council's jurisdiction, they had some information to share about how great it was. The mayor then said, "thank you very much, we’ll be happy to review and take a further look at that."

I wanted to be sure where the mayor and council stood... did they agree with that position or did they stand with the community that is 68% Hispanic. I brought with me and shared an Amnesty International report showing the hundreds of thousands of human rights violations and the over 100 cases of American citizens being deported.

Were they willing to understand that it doesn't serve the community to support or participate in such a grossly unjust law. We need better answers, and I offered them a chance to begin with just recognizing the basic humanity of all people. Not shown in the video above - but in the complete version at the City of Fontana website -- is the mayor's answer of absolutely not he took his oath to "defend it [the Constitution] against enemies, foreign and domestic."

Then at a later meeting, I asked for Fontana to be a Human Rights City, and begin the dialogue, and analysis that could help us get to the structural solutions that we could support without violating human rights in such a broad way. In an email response, the Mayor requested substance and "not token resolutions that sound all nice but ultimately are used by organizations to destroy the fabric of our society."


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