I got called out for saying #fuckthatputo

From that moment --- when for all intents and purposes a woman, a stranger, unknown to me, commented on what I should say and how I should feel. That somehow, she was able to declare (as apparently I could not...) 

" I see clearly......SO clearly 
I Know the difference between the ineffectiveness of the vibration of name calling and the effectiveness of the vibration of Fierce Love expressed"

Because I used the hashtag #fuckthatputo next to #makeDonaldDrumpfAgain

My response:

You may call me out. But you do not know me. And you do not know... all that you do not know because it is my story from which I speak. 
And, so it is MY pain that is real and centuries old. 
So, sister, I must call you out. 
Do not tell me the power of words as if I don't know my power or their power. 

Yes, fierce love is possible, is necessary. I am practicing it now, with you. I have been there before standing in light and love and chanted for the peace and happiness of those who have made me suffer. And I will get there again. 

But today, it is too devastating. Tomorrow it may be too overwhelming. I work and work through tears and frustration and fear for others and their pain and their confusion. I know that lives will be taken by their own hands as the shit gets real. I know that lives will be taken by others who gleefully rejoice in the suffering of others because of their own unending pain. My body still remembers the tension of standing in front of the man holding an American flag, looking like he would kill me rather than take my flyer about peace as his friend yelled at a woman across the street, telling her to go back where she came from.

When I was six years old and told to go back to where I came from I knew they were talking about another country and not Orange, where my mother was born or Anaheim where her mother was born, not Santa Ana where I had lived with my grandmother the year before, not Arizona where my dad's people had just become a federally recognized tribe, not Northern California where my other grandmother's people have lived for centuries. I have found tenderness and compassion for the bully who said that to a smaller, younger child because of words taught to him by his parents --- these years later I imagine anyone still clinging to that kind of ignorance is him... and I see him. And I love him. It will take me longer to get there for the one who has done worse to millions.

READ the words of my cousin Damien Mountain, my family, my tribe... 

"Settler colonialism thieves Indigenous lands across continents, then labels descendants of indigenous peoples "illegal". Imagine if all Native people never let the settlers off their boats on our ancestors shores? By any means necessary, we will protect our lands, sovereignty and relatives. Our family. Our loved ones. #isupportdaca"

Your "calling me out" was on my mind all day because way too often even my peace-minded people speak in ignorance and cause mindless injury and most of the time I am surprised into silence and shock. I have done my work today -- and thought to myself that it was time to do my work for me, my healing work and words and ask for good medicine from the Great Spirit and all that is. AND so I catch words in the wind and this is what they say... 

I have risen in anger
and then
I have spoken in love
I have moved in peace
I have transcended pain and suffering
I have known bliss
And joy
And eternity

I am risen once again
Like the Mountain that I am
I speak in love for the many
When I say fuck that puto
because neither I nor they
Have a story that is untouched by his treachery
Neither I nor my neighbors
Can, right now, give any more love 
any more fiercely
Than to those who
We have risen to protect

I have learned to breathe
I have learned to be grateful
I have learned compassion for myself
And others
And I have learned that I choose
Who I am
And what I say


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