
in response to an honest misunderstanding which, 
if you're not careful,
can turn into deliberate myopia

I said hastag BernPhillyDown
because I think I'm punny
and clever
I laugh at my own jokes
which may indicate
that I'm not that funny

Maybe what I meant is

I am not a literary whatever you call it
so I am not sure of the tense
or usage
or if there's a proper ajdective
to indicate the action
or is it adverb
that I really mean?
(By the way,
what does a subjective preposition
and dangling participle
really mean?)

But this I know.

I'm angry
I'm delighted

I'm frustrated
I'm inspired

I'm disillusioned
I'm hopeful

I'm tired
I'm energized

I've been Bernified my whole life.
The struggle continues, he said.
And he would know.
And he spoke to those that knew as well.
Woke up some folks who had given up the dream.

But we don't have to struggle
he said
We can come together
he said
He didn't burn it down
But he lit a match
Fired 'em up, you might say.
And he is Berning up the nation.

Maybe I meant #bernPhillyup

But he also is so down
with the people
he is so down with the
movement for justice
he is so down to
know that mincing words
is unacceptable
when you're calling out
those that need to be called out
he is so down to know
that to really speak on something
and propose some solution
you gotta sit down with the people
you gotta stand before the people
you gotta work for the people
he is just that down
that he's done that for decades

So I'm gonna use a phrase
that I know
that means all what I need it mean
when I write
I am using the full effect
that "double-entendre"
can be
because I know that
I am not an arsonist.
But I can be incendiary
because talking about
and justice
and equity
and the unacceptable status quo
burns people up
Maybe what they gotta do
is Feel the Bern
and they would
#BernPhillyDown too

June 11, 2016


Cherith Brook said…
Have you ever heard of 'spell check' on your computer? You might have more credibility with informed and interested activist if you were more careful and proof read your comments, thoughts and ramblings. I am a white person who was born in a refugee camp in war torn Germany. I lived there with my mother for over 5 years waiting to come to the U.S. legally. My mother escaped Stalin's Communist regime which took over Latvia, Estonia & Lithuania. I have smuggled Bibles into Communist China for the Christian underground...I put my money, time and efforts where my mouth is - do you? Are you a part of the community of activists who feed and shelter the underprivileged or just the sign carriers who want a revolution without accountability or cost? Who pays for your meals, transportation and shelter while protesting? Who makes your signs & pays for their materials? Perhaps it is George Soros or Michael Moore or the Weather Underground? Just because a person is black or Asian or any other nationality does NOT mean they are entitled to whine and feel sorry for themselves. The slaves who were brought here from Africa have been free for over 100 years so grow up and become an asset to this great nation and your community. Serve the needy with reading or vocational programs, or soup kitchens or shelter oriented ministries for abused women. Take in foster children like my family did for years. I'm ashamed of you and your implied, 'black underprivileged personhood' because of past inequities. Ask God, who sacrificed His Son for you, "What can I do for my country?" Not, "What can my country can do for me?" (JFK).
Cherith Brook said…
Cherith Brook's additional comment: Just how would Bernie Sanders know anything about the underprivileged? He was born privileged and educated in the best schools in privileged neighborhoods, etc.,etc. Get a clue!
Cherith Brook

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